Sunday, June 17, 2012

How I Got Here...A Dirty Chair and a Smart Husband

People have been telling me that I should start a blog.  I never thought I should, however, because most of the things they thought I should post about (our green journey and discoveries) were all created or discovered by someone else.  But yesterday, my wonderful husband thrilled me by cleaning our dirty, leather bar stools (which were uncleanable!!) with a creation of vinegar and baking soda paste.  And I thought--I need to start a blog.  Because this kind of thing happens all the time and it may help someone else.  And that would be cool.  So here is my first entry:

Our kids eat at least one meal a day at matching bar stools in our kitchen.  These bar stools are white leather (I know, bad decision) and have gotten filthy.  And I faithfully try to clean them with whatever is in my homemade cleaner arsenal.  Because the kids are going to be sitting on them, touching them with their fingers, and then touching their food and probably their mouths.  So I wouldn't use anything toxic to clean them  (But I did try Windex in a moment of weakness and then wiped it down with water afterwards).  Long story short--nothing has worked.  Probably 7 different cleaners and the bar stools looked yucky and I thought probably the white paint on the leather had worn away and maybe they had to have this look forever.  Unless I used leather polish which wasn't going to happen.

Tim poured baking soda in a canning jar and added vinegar.  Luckily it was in the sink because it did that "volcano" thing and poured out foam a bit.  He mixed it and added baking soda until it was a honey consistency.  Then he poured some of the liquid/paste on the chair and used an old sponge to rub it around.  Very quickly, without much effort, the dirt lifted away.  I wish I would have taken a before picture but I didn't got the blog idea until he started cleaning.

Here is during:

And here is after:

Once they dried they had a bit of a gritty residue but that easily wiped off with a rag.  I am thrilled!

He has also used this cleaner to get dirt stains off the floor in our shower.  These stains were there when we moved into the house and I tried all sorts of things--even scrubbing with bleach, which I don't keep in the house anymore.  Nothing worked until this applied with a scrub brush.  It is crazy to me what you can do with cheap, safe ingredients.  Works on the kitchen sink's stains too!

Moneysaver:  I buy my vinegar and baking soda at Costco in huge containers.

Next time I'll talk about how I became an accidental green mama!


  1. Interesting article! Smart hubby! Thanks for the useful tip, I will try it!

  2. Cool Meredith! Baking Soda and Vinegar do wonders!!!! Your friend, Tracy

  3. MEREDITH!! This blog is AMAZING! THANK YOU!! Question: since you keep those cleaning toxins out of your home what do you use to clean your bathrooms (TOLIET?) floors and counters? Ive taken to using vinegar/water/lemon juice on my counters, but I'd love more options. Do you use seventh generation or earths best products? Also what do you use for laundry? ok I guess that was more than one question.
    Again thank you so much for sharing. YOU ARE INSPIRING ME, especially when you mentioned that you changed your bedding over bit by bit. One day at a time right?
    Thanks so much again. Hope we can see you all soon.
    Jessica Herod

    1. Thanks so much, Jessica! So fun to hear from you! I'm going to do a post all about what we use to clean but quickly--I pour baking soda in the toilet and then add vinegar. I let it soak for awhile and come back and scrub later. My friend told me she squeezed the juice from one lemon in the toilet when the above didn't work and it took off all the stains. I think the soaking is key but our toilets don't stay empty long:) I will get back to you on the rest soon--the kids are waiting to go to music lessons. Love to you!

  4. What a great cleaning tip! I'm glad to hear that my son is contributing some good ideas to your blog! ;)

    1. Just wait:) I am going to have a Tim's Creations post really soon and it will hopefully be ongoing! He has so many great ideas!
